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Weekly Walden: Vera still enjoys painting after 25 years!

February 10, 2021
Vera has been having fun painting for 25 years! She started this as a hobby because painting is relaxing and so much fun for her! She can paint for a whole afternoon because she just concentrates on the enjoyment. Vera decided to join our painting classes at Walden with Gustavo, and it was then she learned how to paint with acrylics; she had always used water colours. Vera’s favourite is to paint nature scenes, because she is a country girl and always loved gardening. Gardening is a form of art for her. Her late husband Vince, use to make note cards from her paintings.  Vera would paint a beautiful picture of a friends house and they would deliver this to them as a keepsake. Vera doesn’t like to think of herself as an artist, but in our eyes she is definitely our Walden Artist!
Vera is holding a painting of Norway with an old antique Viking ship.

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